PERMAVOST Workshop Talk: JUWELS Booster – Early User Experience

The last entry here is already four years old. Let’s face it, the blog is basically dead… For now, I need a place to collect some links for a talk. That place is here.

The last year and a half I spent my time with our JUWELS Booster supercomputer. 936 nodes, each with 4 NVIDIA A100 GPUs; 73 PFlOp/s peak. I coordinated the Early Access Program and had first-hand user experience through that.

I held quite a few talks on the topic, the most recent – and maybe publicly most interesting – one is this one. For the first PERMAVOST workshop I was invited to hold the keynote on our Early Experience with JUWELS Booster, from a performance engineering perspective.

While the second half of the talk focuses on what we’ve learned in and since the Early Access Program with respect to the applications, the first half focuses on the strangely new topology of the nodes (because of the design of the EPYC Rome processors). The second half then runs through a few applications; I highlighted an example optimization flow for JUQMES at the beginning with plenty of screenshots.

Find the slides either on the PERMAVOST website (PDF), on JUSER, or directly here (PDF). And embedded further down. There’s also an overlays-reduced handout version as usual. The (abstract of the) talk has a DOI, 10.1145/3452412.3462752.

A recording is available on YouTube; it’s also embedded further down.

As usual, the slides were made with LaTeX, which I enjoy still very much. A lot of the graphics I already had available from previous talks, but the EPYC CCX/CCD/… visualization I did just now.

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